Arkansas exposed, is to inform the citizens of Arkansas, the United States,
and the people of the world, as to the amount of corruption,
cover-up, and the failure to enforce the written laws of Arkansas!
It involves local, county, and state government officials.
These are people that we voted for and placed in office to protect our lives,
our liberty, and enforce our laws.
But unfortunately, several of these people are in office to serve themselves,
and could care less for the citizens of the State of Arkansas.
And therefore should be removed from the offices in which they have been placed.
I would hope that after you have read the following information, study the facts,
and visit the links to other sites with similar stories. That you will take a long
hard look at the candidates come next election.
Citizens of Arkansas, let us not go another year with the same type of
state government that has caused Arkansas to be called "The Unnatural State" by other
States and Countries around the world.
About 1000 people per month, are reading
the truth about the State of Arkansas on one of my two web sites, and the amount
continues to rise each month. And of these, at least an average of 200
are from educational facilities.
I have received letters from high school
students doing reports on Arkansas, letters of disbelief, and letters of support.
We should not have to be reading about these kinds of stories in Arkansas, or any
where else in this nation.
Edmund Burk said in 1792,
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph,
"Is for good men to do nothing"
We have more then enough good men and woman in this state that
are willing to do something, and are concerned about the citizens
of the State of Arkansas.
We just need to replace them with the
ones that are in office now, so they can.
"Please Note"
I would much rather have my web sites dealing with the beauty, and the wonderful things
this fine State has to offer.
But until the people running this State, quit ignoring
the complaints of the people, quit trying to
cover-up and make excuses every time an
officer, or other official breaks the LAW,
or refuses to do the job they
were placed, and or agreed to do,
"I Will" Continue To Expose The Truth!
Anyone born, raised, are that even cares about
the State of Arkansas, the rights of the people,
or that have children in the
public school system in this State.
Should be appalled and disgusted
with these statistics, stories, and the truth.
The Truth About Sentencing / Letters from the State / True Stories you should read
If You are concerned about these things please express it to these people
Post a message, leave a comment, start a
discussion, or just check out what
others have to say about Arkansas
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Site published on 11/11/99
Last Updated 11/15/01