Arkansas Fraud
I received this letter from
Jackie M. Smith, Director
Consumer Services Division
Arkansas Insurance Department
Danny Collins
September 7, 1999
I regret that you feel this department has not adequately answered
your complaint, which was filed on January 27, 1999. Since you are
so adamant I will refer your entire complaint file along with the
claim file that I have received from the insurance company to our
Fraud Investigation Unit. The Fraud Unit will investigate all
aspects and parties to this fire loss, which you suffered. This
department strives itself on helping all consumers in the State of
Arkansas and sometimes that help consist of educating the consumer.
Jackie M. Smith, Director
Consumer Services Division
This is the letter I received from the
Arkansas Insurance Fraud
Investigation Unit.
It really amazes me how both of these people work
in the same building, the same division and more
than likely the same office, and yet can not get
together to keep there stories straight!
# 1. Jackie Smith says in her letter that the Fraud Unit
"Will investigate all aspects and parties to this fire loss."
Martin Nevrla says in his letter says that they did
a "thorough review."
Now, I was not reviewed, my photos and video tape
were not reviewed, and the witness's to verify
all the facts in my story were not reviewed.
So the only thing left for Mr. Nevrla to review
would have been whatever the "lying" insurance
company (Home Mutual Fire) would
have given him to review!
And either he bought there story, and ignored the
8 laws the insurance company violated, and the
illegal tactics they used to force me to settle
for less then half of my homeowners policy.
Did what the Arkansas Insurance Department has
been doing with my claim since 1996 which is
absolutely nothing. And sent this letter hoping
it would put an end to our complaints.
# 2. Mr. Nevrla states in his letter that the
Consumer Services Division (Jackie Smith) adequately
answered all insurance questions which I had raised..
Wrong again Mr. Nevrla!
As a matter of fact:
I sent a letter to Jackie Smith, Director of Consumer
Services Division on 8/22/99 asking several questions,
and addressing several issues. The only letters I have
received since that date are the two letters
I have put on this page, and a letter of acknowledgment
from the Secretary of State Sharon Priest, stating she
had sent a copy of my letter to the Insurance Department.
So as of this date 02/27/99, my questions and issues I
have asked, have been completely avoided, and ignored.
A copy of the letter I sent on 8/22/99
can be read here.