I have spent a lot of
time viewing other sites that have to do with Arkansas. And also sites that show the
ongoing corruption in local, state, and government
agencies. Also included will be links
to pages where you may obtain help
for various problems you may have encountered from these agencies.If you have a site, or know
of a site that should be listed
here, please send me an E-mail.TRUE STORIES This next link will have
stories that I have found on the web, or from
people that have submitted there story
to be published on my site. I truly believe as more people
read these stories, we will see more
citizens come forward to tell of there own tragedies
and experiences dealing with Local, County,
and State Government officials and agencies of
Arkansas. Only by exposing these types
of acts you are about to read about,
will we be able to send a message that it is time
to start replacing people in office that continue to
refuse to do there jobs, or continue to abuse the
power entrusted to them! Children of Arkansas, while
in custody at a Arkansas state ran detention
center were found handling raw sewage, and lack of dining
and medical accommodations, and other abusive acts. This
detention center has since been closed down. Read what "little" was disclosed
about this story at: Public Corruption In State
Government OR Is the Arkansas Ethics Commission
being operated "Ethically?" Unbelievable, but the facts
are there! You read, and then decide
for yourself. Although Governor Mike Huckabee took a tough stance vowing
to root out any wrongdoing in the Arkansas Government,
and put a stop to the ongoing scandals in Arkansas,
he has refused to disclose information to the
Attorney General about $60,000 in speaking fees. Thus causing yet another
scandal. This story by CNN covers
other agencies and people being investigated
in Arkansas. Having a daughter that just
started high school this year, I found
this next article a little disturbing. It is a report
from the National Center for Education Statistics.
According to there report, Arkansas did not satisfy
one or more of the guidelines for school participation
in this government survey. The courses in this survey
were eighth grade science and mathematics. If you add that to the fact
that Arkansas Teachers average pay is ranked
close to the bottom of the list for the nation,
the old saying holds true. You get what you pay for! I believe if the Arkansas
State Government would take the money they waste,
making laws they have absolutely no intentions
of enforcing, and put it in pay raises to the teachers
of this state, we would start seeing our children's
education improve. On another web site I have, "America For Sale" I talk about government officials
not doing the jobs they were
put in office to do. And how our laws can be changed,
bought, or ignored depending on who
you are! This next reporters article will make you stop and think
for awhile. It also goes along with the
title of my site, America for sale. The reporter states: Corruption is a cancer. And
like cancer, if it is not cut out in time, it will
kill the patient and that patient is America's body politic.
For Congress to allow Clinton to escape any wrongdoing
of which he might be guilty would be to immeasurably
damage the political process and put the White
House on the auction block. Justice must be done and
done swiftly! I believe this reporter says
it like it is. This not only goes for the President of
the United States, but for every person in an official
position that refuses to enforce the laws, or fails
to fulfill the duties of the position
they hold. The full story and other
articles like this can be read at: Below are a few sites I have
came across that deal with problems in the
United States that I believe you will find
very interesting.This site is from a man in
California. "Warning" This site is additive. This
man is very informed and I have learned things
going on in our government that I never would
have believed. This site is the place to
go to file a complaint on police abuse.
This is an organization that works nationwide
to help put a stop, and expose police
abuse. You can listen to actual
tapes of them confronting, and exposing
officers. "Law Guru" This has to be the most extensive,
informative, and helpful legal site I
have ever been to. You can submit a legal question
and receive an answer at no cost. This site
has live legal chat rooms, an internet law section,
extensive legal resources, legal research and
attorney referral service. All at no cost. "NEW FROM LawGuru.com"