Mena Arkansas
I would think with Mena, Arkansas making the headline news for the past 10+ years
(For all the wrong reasons) that the residents of this community would be getting about sick
and tired of it.
Have the citizens of this community, and this state become so calloused, that the only
time they "see something wrong" is if it involves them or a loved one?
In my own words. The letter this woman has just sent me, is just another "Very Sad"
story of yet another Elected Official who refuses to put the needs of the people first,
and refuses to do the job entrusted to them!
Subject: Injustice in Arkansas
Date: Wed, 17 Nov. 1999
I don't know where to begin. I left Texas April of 97,
was divorced 30 June97. I moved to my home in Mena AR.
In Nov. 98, my ex came up from Port Lavaca, TX. to Mena,
and illegally entered my house, illegally trespassed, and took
personal belongings to the tune of $75,000+. I was unaware
what had been taken until July 99 when I went to take
inventory and to sell my home. Most of the items taken
were in the attic. I'm semi-disabled and couldn't get into the
attic myself. Two reports were taken, one by myself and
the other by a lady who was watching my home
while I was attending school full time in Marked Tree.
In my report, I gave the address to the
deputy where I knew some of my belongings had
been taken to in Texas. Since then, some of my belongings
have been burned, sold, pawned and some are still in a
storage room outside Victoria, TX.
The honorable prosecuting attorney of Polk County AR.
won't lift a finger to help me. When I called to report the
crime, the dispatcher told me that I'd have to come
in and file a report. No one came to investigate.
Since this miscarriage of justice began,
I've contacted the FBI, AR. Bar, AR. Attorney General,
The Governor, LR newspapers, and the local law enforcement
agencies in Port Lavaca TX. Some of the items are now in the
possession of the local authorities in Port Lavaca. I'm told that
Texas can't do anything until the prosecuting attorney
in Mena issues a warrant for his arrest and a search warrant.
Because of the prosecuting attorney dragging his feet,
valuable, un-replaceable personal property has been lost.
I'm still searching for answers to many questions.
Why is it that my new husband and I have to
do the work of the PA? And, will it do any good?
Where is the justice here?
The Texas authorities are more than willing to help me,
but their hands are tied since the crimes were committed
in AR. and the prosecuting attorney refuses to help.
We're now waiting to hear from agencies we've contacted
in AR. My personal attorney in Mena can't help me.
He says this is a Criminal Case and has to
be handled through the PA's office. It appears to me that
the PA is misusing his office for whatever reason.
I left a paper trail requesting help from WI, TX to AR.
All my original letters and documents are stored
on discs.
Our phone bill looks like the national debt from trying to find
someone who will help.
Thank you for you time.
To show your support, comments,
suggestions, or help,
you may reply to:
The link listed below, like in so many other stories
I receive, are this ladies and her new husbands letters at there latest attempt
to try and resolve this matter, that should have been resolved. "When First Reported"
I am pleading with the citizens of this state to start removing the
DEAD BEAT Officers, Judges, District Attorneys, Prosecuting Attorneys,
and any other official that refuses to do their job, or fulfill there job description!
I have received letters from people in other states, and countries that have regarded
Arkansas as the backward state, the un-nataural state, hillbilly state, and
several that I will not print on this page.